
Monday, March 14, 2011

Albertson's Double Coupon Days ~ AGAIN!

Surprise, surprise ~ there were double Albertsons coupons in the Sunday paper!  Yahoo, I used 15 of them today.  I ended up getting $58.30 worth of food for $11.95.  I could have done a bit better but I really needed some powdered sugar and only had a 50 cent coupon to double on both of those.  I did take a picture of my haul...but my camera battery died so it has disappeared.  Here is what I bought and paid:

Item                                                      Full Price                 Price Paid
(3) Jello Pudding Temptations                $2.99                      50 cents
(2) 2# Powdered Sugar                           $2.99                     $1.99
(4) Colgate Toothpaste                           $2.99                      31 cents ~ SCORE!
(2) Franks Hot Sauce                              $3.29                     FREE!
(3) Wonka Chocolate Bars                     $2.49                      49 cents ~ oh yeah!
(3) M & M Candy's (small bags)              .79                         26 cents
(3) Pure Vanilla Extract                          $4.99                       99 cents ~ Yahoo!

So I am feeling pretty good about this haul!  My only issue, the Lake Stevens Albertsons told me that they would only take 9 double coupons in 3 different transaction.  I did argue saying that the Everett store had no issue with my 5 transactions last week (3 coupons used for each transaction).  Thankfully the checker said she would let me go through this time.  

It is imperative that you are organized when doing multiple transactions.  I make sure my Albertsons card is out.  I use my debit card on the first transaction but then grab out enough cash to pay cash for the next transactions.  Have your coupons ready near each transaction so it can go quickly and smoothly.   Don't get rattled!

I also went to Haggen today to stock up on cheese and butter.  They are having a pretty good deal through today.  2# Tillamook cheese is $5.00 each but if you buy two ~ $2.00 is taken off.  So basically I got a 2# block of cheese for $4.00...not too bad.  They had the same sort of deal for butter ~ 3 boxes for $10.00 but if you buy all three, you will get $2.00 off.  That is a pretty good price for Tillamook butter.  So I bought 4 blocks of cheese and 3 boxes of butter for $24.00 ~ saving $17.43.  It is not a stupendous deal...but pretty good for cheese and butter. 

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