I spent the past weekend doing my Spring Cleaning...with the help of my favorite youngest daughter. I must be clear that she only helped in an effort to re-earn her allowance that she had lost earlier due to a lack of participation in her monthly chores. She did earn it back...she worked her butt off.
This week is all about gardening. I cleaned 3 out of my 4 veggie patches today and will hopefully get the other one cleaned out on Thursday.
My hubby and I are planning to go to a local farm in Snohomish to pickup a couple of yards of compost to smother our garden beds in...which means Saturday will find me busy with a wheelbarrow and shovel.
Here is where my garden stands as of today:
Here is my grow operation: I have (1) 4' grow light that my wonderful hubby built for me and 2 heat mats that are currently under my red pepper starts and tomato starts.
Here are my onions that I planted on February 11th. I have some Walla Walla's (Territorial Seed) and a Red Bull (Territorial Seed) onion which are supposed to have a longer shelf life. These are a month old and still looking a bit wimpy. I am crossing my fingers that I can transplant them in a month.
This tray has a combination of some Snow Crown Cauliflower, Belstar Hybrid Broccoli and Nero Di Toscana Kale (all are Territorial Seed). I hope to get these in to the greenhouse to start hardening them up a bit and then get them in the ground in very soon. (YES! I have a green house that my hubby bought me for Christmas. It is 6x8 and I am excited to start utilizing it). These seeds were planted February 26th.
These are impatiens...my VERY favorite flower. I always have these growing all summer long in a 3-tier basket next to my front door. I just love how delicate they look but how tough they really are. These were planted March 5th.
Next...26 tomatoes! Types planted: Abe Lincoln, Big Red, Beefsteak and Roma. All these seeds are Ferry-Morse except for the Beefsteak which were a freebie from the Northwest Flower & Garden Show...and doesn't say what brand. These seeds were planted march 19th.
By the way...happy Spring! I am hearing that Friday and Saturday have sun in the forecast ~ yahoo!
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