
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Rain, Rain Go Away...

We have had a very wet spring so far in the Pacific Northwest.  When we actually have sun...I have so much going on that I am unable to get out into the garden.  Tonight rain was in the forecast...but surprise!  It is NOT is blustery and chilly but still good enough to get my hands in the dirt.
About a month ago I planted quiet a few rows of radishes (3 different kinds), carrots (2 different kinds) several types of lettuce, kale and spinach.  It has been so wet...that they are just now starting to reach for the sun. 
Today I planted 30 starts of broccoli (Waltham 29 and Di Cicco).  I planted them WAY to close together but I have no choice.  Mike and I bought a new trailer...and it is bigger so I am now losing 1/2 of my gardening space to accommodate the parking of said new trailer.  It took me a couple of day to overcome my grief...but it is what it is.  I have a ton of starts so will need to get very creative in my plantings...I see lots of veggies growing in my flower gardens in the front yard.
Here are some shots of my greenhouse.  The first picture is 3 different types of tomatoes, yellow peppers, red peppers, jalapeno peppers, cauliflower (can't see in the pic) and zinnias.
The other side of the greenhouse includes: trailing lobelia, yellow onions, Chinese cabbage, baby watermelon (both of these are in the newspaper pots that I made), red onions, impatiens and more zinnia plants.
Next up some Candy Onions (on the right side) a friend gave me and some walking onions (on left side) that we received from some friends we visited while we were in Las Vegas. 
Finally...some garlic that I thought my dogs had destroyed last year.  It came back up.  So happy!

Not too bad for April 22, 2014.  There are still many weeds to pull and seeds to plant but it will all get done in time.  Happy Spring!


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