The good news...I planted some more seeds. I got some onion bulbs (40+), spinach, lettuce, radishes and peas into the ground tonight ~ just one 3' row of each (more space for the onion bulbs). I will be putting more rows in every few weeks.
What I planted:
Spinach ~ Bloomsdale, Long Standing (Ferry~Morse)
Lettuce ~ Pot & Patio Lettuce Blend (Territorial Seed Company)
Radishes ~ Cherry Belle (Ferry~Morse)
Peas ~ Organic Cascadia Bush Snap Pea (Seeds of Change)
Yellow Onion Bulbs (Lowes)
The bad news...the cauliflower, broccoli and kale starts I planted yesterday look very, very bad. In fact, they look dead. That scares me. Is the compost too fresh? It is not supposed to be. Was it too soon to plant them? It wasn't supposed to be. I don't makes me a little bit ill. I will be keeping my eye on them. Worse thing would be that I would need to buy some starts...but I really wanted to try to plant most things by seed. But I have found through the years that gardening is not a perfect least for me.
Here are some pics:
My work space...
My dying starts????
40+ (I lost count) yellow onion bulbs in the ground. I still have my walla walla and red onion starts that I been trying to baby...but boy I will do things differently next year in regards to those, they are not looking so hot.
Peas, Radishes, Lettuce and Spinach in the cannot wait for those!
My hydrangea's are looking really good this year. A couple of years ago I cut them back hard, not knowing any better and they looked pretty bad last year. It looks like they have recovered.
My peonies are coming up. I LOVE peonies. I have tried over the years to grow these but they never thrived. Now I have three that like where I put them and keep getting bigger and better each year.
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