Between Christmas break, Martin Luther King Day and a few days off due to snow...I forgot what it is like to work a full week! I am back to having too much to do and not enough time to do it! Thank goodness my hubby and I still have a I really am not complaining (much). Here is what I have been up to the past few days or rather....what my hubby has been up to.
I mentioned to him that I would like a grow light. He said he had a light and I found a plan and a very short time later....wa~la! I have a grow light! Now I just need to get some starts under that grow light. I really love that my hubby supports me and my wild schemes...he is a good guy!
Next up...a little couponing. There is 5 more days of January and no more grocery money. How do I buy the last two gallons of milk that I need? Well...I go to Rite Aid & buy 3 packs of UP2U gum that is on sale for $1.00. I have (3) $1.00 coupons off each pack of gum and get them all for FREE. But that is not all...for every three I buy...I get a $1.00 UP coupon. After doing a couple more of these deals tomorrow, I will have $5.00 in UP coupons which is enough to buy 2 gallons of milk. That is how you coupon and stretch your budget!
Retail: $17.88 Paid: 0
100% Savings PLUS $3.00 in UP's

I have a new photo stylist...
my favorite youngest daughter! She took two different pictures and would like a vote...which one do you like best? I think the heart shape is fun but the other picture fits my personality better (a bit uptight maybe). Click on the comment section below this post and vote for which one you like. She would love your opinion and we will even put your name in for a drawing and send you a couple packs of gum!
my favorite youngest daughter! She took two different pictures and would like a vote...which one do you like best? I think the heart shape is fun but the other picture fits my personality better (a bit uptight maybe). Click on the comment section below this post and vote for which one you like. She would love your opinion and we will even put your name in for a drawing and send you a couple packs of gum!
Have a good weekend!
I vote for your way...I like the heart too but it's not as clean looking as yours.