
Saturday, July 30, 2011

I Harvested Today!

Today is July 30th and I finally harvested from my garden.  Not only that...three tomato plants have small tomatoes on them and my pumpkins & zucchini's are starting to grow.  They are all small...but at least it is something.  This is pretty late to see the small amount of growth but with all the rain and cool is kind of a miracle that anything is growing at all!  Take a look at my garden:

This is the first artichoke of the season to be harvested...I hope I didn't harvest it too soon.  From what I read it should be okay.  I also learned that the artichoke plant is a cool is that!

I also read that when you cut off the artichoke that you should cut back the entire stem.  Eventually you will cut the whole plant down...but I still need to read more about that.

Below are some random pictures of my garden as of today ~ it is looking pretty (though there are many weeds that need to be pulled).

Friday, July 22, 2011

My Garden is Growing Despite the Rain!

While most of the country is sweltering in record breaking heat...those of us living in western Washington are experiencing one of the wettest and coldest Summers that many of us can remember.  Our Spring was the it feels like it has been a VERY long fall/winter.  However, my garden continues to grow and if there is one blessing about the rain...I haven't had to water once this season.  Here is a look at my garden:
Today I drove by Lowe's and found some strawberry plants on clearance ~75 cent a piece. 
They might look a bit neglected now...but I anticipate eating strawberries out of my garden next year!

A sea of potatoes...a couple more months and I will have a stockpile of potatoes!
I threw some seeds in the ground last fall...didn't record what it was but it now looks
like I am growing some sort of cabbage.  The heads are not getting big or not sure what to do.
I have been so envious of bloggers talking about their harvesting of zucchini's...but I see that soon I will be too.
Zucchini bread in the I come.  Found a blogger that adds fresh blueberries to their bread.  Yum!

This is the coolest thing.  My mom brought me an artichoke plant for mother day...and it is growing
three artichokes on it.  I have never, ever grown these but I will from now on.